Past Events

Guide in a Hide 21 July 2024

The Friends of Rye Harbour Nature Reserve had a pretty good day on Sunday!

The Guide in an Hide event at Rye Harbour Nature Reserve was another great success! In and around Gooders hide the team welcomed more than 120 visitors, who were treated to up close and personal views of over 30 different birds.

Meanwhile, at Scots Float sluice other members of the Friends were supporting VolkerStevin as they kindly opened up their doors to show off their new sea defence track to the Union Channel. Visitors were treated to refreshments while they were shown an interesting video about their important sea defence work along a huge stretch of the river. Visitors commented “Very worthwhile and enjoyable visit thanks, now much better informed about what’s going on there! Can’t wait to see it again when finished, and again when as it ‘matures’” and “great to be able to ask the staff questions…. I felt everyone enjoyed it!”

The Friends team of guides took visitors to and fro from Scots Float to the Union Channel where visitors had wonderful views of Common Sandpiper, Little Egret, Redshank and Kingfisher, and enjoyed many Swallow and Sand Martin flying low over the water to the beautiful sounds of a Yellowhammer.

The Friends really enjoyed being part of this bird-watching partnership and would like to say a huge thanks to VolkerStevin for their hospitality and enthusiasm in making it such a fun and interesting day for all.


14 June – The Woman Who Saved Birds

Saturday 14th June 2025 1.30pm – 3pm at the Discovery Centre.

Presented by Tessa Boase a writer and social historian living in Hastings.

When social historian Tessa Boase told the RSPB she wanted to write their early story, they refused to let her visit their archives. To a former investigative journalist, this was a challenge she could not resist.

This talk brings to life the mighty Victorian and Edwardian plumage ­trade – and the brave eco-feminists who fought back on behalf of the birds. Their leader was Hythe-born Etta Lemon, the passionate and pioneering conservationist who built the early RSPB, but was not remembered by history. What were her campaign tactics, and what is her legacy? 

These talks are for members of The Friends of Rye Harbour Nature Reserve only. There is no charge, though donations are gratefully accepted. If you are not a member of The Friends but would like to attend, please JOIN US and let us know.

Limited places are available and booking for members of The Friends will open at 8.00am on 1st May.

Please note that dogs (except for guide dogs that have been pre-booked) are not allowed at talks.


08 March – Barn Owls and Barn Owls in…

Saturday 8th March 2025 1.30pm – 3pm at the Discovery Centre.

Terry Hallahan from the Sussex Barn Owl Group will be talking about these engaging birds.

These talks are for members of The Friends of Rye Harbour Nature Reserve only. There is no charge, though donations are gratefully accepted. If you are not a member of The Friends but would like to attend, please JOIN US and let us know.

Limited places are available and booking for members of The Friends will open at 8.00am on 1st February.

Please note that dogs (except for guide dogs that have been pre-booked) are not allowed at talks.

Past Events

Talk 13 July 2024

Swifts by Sophie Streeter from the Hastings and Rother Swift Conservation Group.

The Friends were treated to an excellent and informative talk about Swifts yesterday. Sophie Streeter is a volunteer with the Hastings and Rother Swift conservation group – a group of volunteers dedicated to raising awareness of the plight of the Swift. Their aim is to protect and enhance the traditional nesting sites of these iconic summer visitors and to establish new nesting sites where appropriate in the Hastings and Rother area of East Sussex. They will also advise on the supply and installation of Swift nest bricks, soffit boxes and call systems. In December 2021, the Swift moved to the RED LIST of Highest Conservation Priority, as very sadly these beautiful birds are in trouble with a 58% drop in breeding numbers in just 25 years.
The talk to The Friends was beautifully illustrated with stunning images and videos of Swifts flying, catching food, roosting, nest box camera’s etc. I think we were all amazed at seeing young Swifts doing ‘press-ups’ to strengthen their wings before leaving the next box!
Sophie shared her in-depth knowledge of facts and information about Swifts and talked about the various ways in which we humans can help this species that is at risk of extinction in the UK. All in all a very interesting and inspirational talk.

For further information see


Past Events

Guide in a Hide 25 May 2024

A very strong and deceptively cold wind did not deter the visitors to our Guide in a Hide day today. We welcomed 136 adults and a whopping 58 children. 35 species of birds were seen through telescopes and binoculars.

The stars of the day, right outside Gooders hide, were four gorgeous Avocet chicks. Just a few days old, they were already sweeping their beaks through the water to feed themselves. It’s amazing isn’t it?

Thank you to everyone who came along. The guides are always thrilled when children are so interested in seeing the birds, like Ruthie and little Harry here.

Past Events

Walk 13 April 2024

With leaders Cliff Dean and David Bentley, eight of us met in the car park which was otherwise a battleground for territorial male Blackbirds. Clearly the surrounding grass and gardens provide all they need in terms of worms, cosy corners for nesting and song-posts on bushes, fences and rooftops; so ideal in fact that pairs are densely crowded and boundaries constantly disputed.  

The preceding days had seen an arrival of many small birds from their wintering grounds in various parts of Africa, so we diverted from our habitual route around Flat Beach through the village and along the track alongside Narrow Pits. Here, Bramble & Hawthorn scrub of varying heights to one side and water and Willow to the other provided diverse habitats for a range of warblers, some of which (Chiffchaff & Blackcap) had been present for a fortnight but others (Whitethroat, Reed & Sedge Warbler) had come in during the week while one (Lesser Whitethroat) had arrived overnight – via an eastern rather than western route.

Most of these birds were hard to see but their songs were loud and distinctive so we spent a lot of time carefully listening, attentive too to the kinds of habitat from which the songs emanated. We watched a Whitethroat’s display flight, dancing about in the air above brambles and noticed BTO Breeding Evidence: not only a Singing Male but a Pair In Suitable Habitat and in fact Nest Building.

Beside these incoming migrants there was quite a range of vociferous resident species, including a Song Thrush delivering excellent mimicry of a car alarm – perhaps the result of living not far from the busy car park! Overhead were squawking Black-headed and yelping Mediterranean Gulls, in the background braying Greylag Geese and one lucky birdwalker caught the call of a Cuckoo.

For those unfamiliar with this Wall of Sound, it can be hard to distinguish one song from another, so we tried to start with Entry Level songs – monotonous Chiffchaff, explosive Cetti’s Warbler, chortling Green Woodpecker for instance – then fill in the gaps…. Some people make a big deal about identifying birds from song but those same people will go to a pub quiz with a music round in which they will instantly recognise songs from the first two notes; and that’s without the birds’ contextual clues of season, habitat etc.

Photo Barry Yates Jun 2023

Emerging past a hedge-hopping Sparrowhawk and rasping Sedge Warbler in the warm shelter of the bushes we were exposed to a cool breeze on the causeway to Cuckoo Corner where, to one side were Shelduck, Shoveler and displaying, newly arrived Little Ringed Plovers, and to the other, for comparison, chunky Ringed Plovers and…and…the previously mentioned wintering Spotted Redshank but now almost moulted into fabulous summer plumage of jet black, charcoal grey and the eponymous Spots  as well as an eye-ring in silvery white. Restrained yet dramatic, it must be off to the Arctic very soon so take the opportunity to have a look – at the southern end of the Salt Pool.

Past Events

Guide in a Hide 30 March 2024

It was a sunny Guide in a Hide event on Easter Saturday, and there were many birds to show our 245 visitors.

A total of 40 species of birds included a variety of ducks, waders and gulls, newly arrived swallows and Sandwich Terns but most excitement was caused by a White Stork flyover (probably one of the re-introduced birds from the Knepp Estate).

Thanks to everyone who came along, we really enjoyed meeting you and showing you the birds.

The next Guide in a Hide event is on 27 April, 10am – 3pm.

Past Events

Walk 09 March 2024

Ten of us met on a morning finer and warmer than expected and soon our attention was drawn to a Wren singing loudly from beside the path. Until we leave the buildings and bushes of the village and holiday park, Wrens are singing all around but usually tucked away in the undergrowth. This one was sitting out in the open, however, giving us the chance to appreciate the rich reddish-brown and fine barring of its plumage, its fine, sharp bill. It’s another of those common birds (right across the UK, right across the Northern Hemisphere, in fact) at which we too rarely take a good look.  

Not long afterwards, by the Salt Pool, another Wren shot across the path in front of us and dived into the brambles, quickly followed by another tiny bird, though a green one. It was a Goldcrest, rather out of place there and, while many Goldcrests in the temperate UK stay in one place, others move south for the winter while yet more leave cold continental forests, cross the North Sea and may pass further south. One ringed bird was recovered I the Russian Baltic. So, this one might have been a local wanderer, or returning further north in England, or even facing a longer sea crossing, in and out of the wave troughs. At any rate, it gave the runaround to Xavier as he tried to get a photo. 

At this point we got a message from another Friend that he’d seen a Spotted Redshank at the far end of the Salt Pool, an individual that has been around for a few months but is not always easy to find. They breed right across the high arctic and most winter in central Africa, but some save themselves the trouble of several thousand km of flight by staying much further north. A couple of hundred might be scattered across the UK and maybe ten in Sussex. Much paler than Common Redshank, which helpfully kept close for comparison, Spotted Redshank is grey above, rather than brown, and white below, with a clear pale supercilium. It’s more slender, has a distinctly different flight pattern and an easy-to-learn call.  

Back at Flat Beach, the high tide roost of waders crammed on the remaining shingle islands comprised twelve species while a similar range of wildfowl were on show, including still large numbers of Pintail. Rather distant were three resting Sandwich Terns, having just arrived from wintering areas off W Africa. A few have taken to staying in W Sussex during the colder months but have yet to favour this area. How many remain to breed this year at Rye Harbour remains to be seen. 

At the start of the walk each person had predicted how many species we might find. The highest guess was 50 but we ended up with 63, on a lovely morning when star of the show was the Spotted Redshank, a new bird for everyone.

(Bird photos – Xavier Marrs)

Past Events

Guide in a Hide 25 February 2024

Guide in a Hide (GIAH) is part of the Discover Rye Harbour project, funded by the National Lottery Fund through Sussex Wildlife trust (SWT).

Another terrific GIAH day today, with plenty of birds to show our visitors! Thank you to 153 people who came along and braved the cold wind.

There were hundreds of birds on flat beach today, and we were able to show visitors 37 different species, of which 300 Golden Plover, 350 Dunlin, 60 Grey Plover and 40 Avocet were among the many highlights.

Thank you so much for coming along, we do enjoy telling you all about the birds and reading your lovely feedback!

Look forward to seeing you next time, Easter Saturday, 30th March, 10am until 3pm.

Past Events

Guide in a Train – February 2024

During February half term, some of the Rye Harbour Nature Reserve ‘Guide in a Hide’ volunteers became Guides on a Train!

Children travelled for just £1, and really enjoyed looking through our binoculars to tick off what they saw on the worksheets provided.

We spotted 33 species of birds, including Red Kite, Lapwing, Great White Egret, Grey Heron, Little Egret, Moorhen, Buzzard and amazingly, through a train window, a tiny Goldcrest!

Several people remarked on how friendly and helpful everyone was and what a great idea this was.
One lady messaged to say “Amazing!! The kids really enjoyed it, particularly my daughter Lyra! She loves birds. She asked for a bird camera for Christmas and loves seeing the birds we get in the garden every day.”

Lyra took it all very seriously, amusing her fellow passengers by exclaiming “look everyone, there is a Pheasant…. tick it off!”

We were thrilled to bits with the fantastic comments from the children and how interested and enthusiastic they were.

Hopefully we have inspired some of those children to continue to watch and enjoy birds – and maybe we’ll see them again soon…at Rye Harbour Nature Reserve!

With thanks to the Kent and East Sussex Railway team for putting on this excellent event and asking us to help!

Hope to see you next year…