In spite of the very cold and murky weather, 125 visitors came along and most were treated to the spectacle of over 3000 Golden Plover, 1200 Lapwing and 250 Dunlin continually whirling around in the air. 500 Oystercatchers, however, preferred to save energy by staying put, huddled together to keep warm. The long staying Spoonbills gave one visitor his first ever sighting.
Here are a few of the volunteer Guide in a Hide team.
The December talk was a little different, in that it was a compilation of three short talks. These were presented by members of the Rye Harbour History group and each illustrated talk reflected a different aspect of local history.
The topics were:
The Coast Blockade at Rye Harbour – deterring smuggling in the 19th century through the writing of an officer – presented by Angie Perkins.
Smuggling was such a huge operation in the 18th and 19th centuries that the government felt they had go to enormous lengths to curb the ’ trade’ along a lengthy stretch of the south coast and between 1817 and 1831 a coastal blockade was put in place. This talk gave us a personal insight into this blockade through the writing of a Naval officer.
Old Winchelsea, a town lost to the sea in 1287 – presented by David Dennis.
Old Winchelsea, a large, vibrant port and shipbuilding town had been built upon a spit of land in Rye Bay. Very vulnerable to severe weather, coastal erosion and the changing coastline the town was eventually lost to the sea during a severe storm in 1287. David looked at what is known about this town and helped to bring it to life for the audience.
History in Photographs – The Mary Stanford Lifeboat disaster of 1928 – presented by Roy Brigden.
The Mary Stanford disaster was a tragic incident that never should have happened. All 17 lifeboat men lost their lives and this would have affected every household in the village of Rye Harbour. Putting out to sea in appalling weather to rescue a boat that was already safe by the time the lifeboat was launched, would seem unthinkable these days, however communications were very different in 1928. Through old Photographs Roy explained how the disaster unfolded and the aftermath. However, to this day no one knows what exactly happened to cause the death of all those on board.
All were very interesting, lavishly illustrated and providing an insight into a different era.
Special Breeding Birds of Rye Harbour Nature Reserve (RHNR) by Dr. Barry Yates
Our planned talk by James Duncan from the SWT on ‘The Wonders of Migration’ had to be postponed, but instead The Friends were treated to a talk by the retired RHNR manager, and current chairman of the Friends Committee, Dr Barry Yates.
Barry spoke to us about the ‘Special Breeding Birds of RHNR ‘and we found out just how important RHNR is for many threatened species. A large proportion of Sussex’s breeding Ringed Plover, Redshank, Lapwing, Sandwich Tern, Little Tern and Marsh Harriers – to name just a few, make RHNR their home for the summer and raise (or attempt to raise) young here. Life is very difficult for these birds and Barry highlighted some of the difficulties faced by these birds, and the importance of measures like electric fences (great, but expensive) to help prevent predation and lack of disturbance whilst breeding. Food supply in the sea and in their breeding habitat on the reserve is another problem many birds face. Birds like Sandwich Tern are able to travel up to 12-km out and along the coast to find food and still frequently struggle to find sufficient food for their chicks. The highly vulnerable Little Tern can only travel 1-km and if there is not sufficient food close by in the sea the chicks can easily starve.
All in all an extremely interesting talk, and the importance of our reserve not just for Sussex, but for the whole of the UK should not be underestimated.
On a pleasant but slightly chilly day, we engaged with at least 165 Adults and 32 youngsters.
Gooders Hide
The highlights at the Gooders hide were three Spoonbill, two Avocet, and the large flocks of Golden Plover and Oystercatchers, plus a superb male Marsh Harrier going over, causing pandemonium amongst everything on flat beach – disturbance for the birds, but quite a sight for those watching.
Many of the visitors were unfamiliar with the birds on the Reserve and very appreciative of the help provided by the Guides. Youngsters very quickly get the hang of looking through binoculars and telescopes and finding new birds to see.
There were also some challenging questions, including a child of four or five years old asking whether the one-legged Avocet would find as much food as the two-legged Avocet!
The Guides appreciate the opportunity to inspire the visitors, especially the younger ones, to gain a better understanding of the natural world.
Thea Taylor, a Marine Biologist and Managing Director of the Sussex Dolphin Project, gave an excellent talk to the Friends of RHNR last Saturday.
The Sussex Dolphin Project was set up in 2018 because the Sussex coast was one of the least studied cetacean habitats in the UK, with very little data on these mammals. Historical evidence and information from local communities indicated that it was not the case that they were absent, just that no data had been collected.
Improved reporting is now available for West Sussex and for East Sussex going westwards from Eastbourne, but from Eastbourne to Kent there is still a huge gap in the data.
The species Thea covered were Bottlenose Dolphin, which are the most common Dolphins seen off our coast, the rarer Common Dolphin, the oceanic White-beaked Dolphin and the Harbour Porpoise. She also talked about ongoing research, what is needed in the future to protect these fantastic mammals, the threats they face and how we can help.
A key take-away the talk was the things we can all do to support the Sussex Dolphin project by joining, volunteering and, very importantly, reporting any sightings (along with good quality photo’s if you have them) and any strandings to the Sussex Dolphin Project (
There is ID help available on the website, along with lots of information and opportunities. If you do have a sighting of one of these mammals, scroll down a little on the home page and REPORT IT!
A big thank you to all of those who helped with delivering a great GIAH experience for many visitors to the reserve. The weather was kind and there were many people out and about enjoying the pleasant October sunshine.
The team based in the Gooders hide engaged with 130 Adults and 52 young people. Those based near the Discovery Centre engaged with 43 Adults.
At the Gooders hide we had over 30 species of bird, including Bar-tailed Godwit and a distant Greenshank. Swallows were constantly passing through and a large bouncing flock of Linnet caught the attention of visitors on several occasions. These birds would then often land on the saltmarsh areas along with Meadow Pipits and a few fluttery Skylarks in order to feed on the plant seed available. Redshanks, with their brightly coloured legs and habit of ‘paddling’ straight in front of the hide were enjoyed by many. Another popular sight, particularly through the telescopes, was close-up views of a feeding Curlew. Visitors were often stunned by the length of the bill.
Outside the Discovery Centre, 29 species provided lots of interest, including a Kingfisher and Hobby which were appreciated by those present at the time. Curlew and Black-tailed Godwit were on the Saltmarsh and easily viewable through the available telescopes.
Duck numbers are building up nicely, with whistling Wigeon drawing attention to themselves, whilst amongst them were a few Pintail, Teal and Gadwall plus the more common Mallard.
Volunteer guides were on Rye Harbour Nature Reserve yesterday, sharing their knowledge, enthusiasm, binoculars and telescopes!
At least 133 people stopped by to chat, excited that we had had at least three sightings of our star bird, the Osprey. Many people walked away looking up at the sky, out to sea and all around to try and spot it. It was terrific!
In all, we saw 39 species of birds. Apart from the Osprey, the feeding frenzy of Sandwich Terns and Gannets in the river mouth towards the end of the day were highlights.
Thanks to everyone who came along, we enjoyed meeting you!
The Friends of Rye Harbour Nature Reserve had a pretty good day on Sunday!
The Guide in an Hide event at Rye Harbour Nature Reserve was another great success! In and around Gooders hide the team welcomed more than 120 visitors, who were treated to up close and personal views of over 30 different birds.
Meanwhile, at Scots Float sluice other members of the Friends were supporting VolkerStevin as they kindly opened up their doors to show off their new sea defence track to the Union Channel. Visitors were treated to refreshments while they were shown an interesting video about their important sea defence work along a huge stretch of the river. Visitors commented “Very worthwhile and enjoyable visit thanks, now much better informed about what’s going on there! Can’t wait to see it again when finished, and again when as it ‘matures’” and “great to be able to ask the staff questions…. I felt everyone enjoyed it!”
The Friends team of guides took visitors to and fro from Scots Float to the Union Channel where visitors had wonderful views of Common Sandpiper, Little Egret, Redshank and Kingfisher, and enjoyed many Swallow and Sand Martin flying low over the water to the beautiful sounds of a Yellowhammer.
The Friends really enjoyed being part of this bird-watching partnership and would like to say a huge thanks to VolkerStevin for their hospitality and enthusiasm in making it such a fun and interesting day for all.
Swifts by Sophie Streeter from the Hastings and Rother Swift Conservation Group.
The Friends were treated to an excellent and informative talk about Swifts yesterday. Sophie Streeter is a volunteer with the Hastings and Rother Swift conservation group – a group of volunteers dedicated to raising awareness of the plight of the Swift. Their aim is to protect and enhance the traditional nesting sites of these iconic summer visitors and to establish new nesting sites where appropriate in the Hastings and Rother area of East Sussex. They will also advise on the supply and installation of Swift nest bricks, soffit boxes and call systems. In December 2021, the Swift moved to the RED LIST of Highest Conservation Priority, as very sadly these beautiful birds are in trouble with a 58% drop in breeding numbers in just 25 years. The talk to The Friends was beautifully illustrated with stunning images and videos of Swifts flying, catching food, roosting, nest box camera’s etc. I think we were all amazed at seeing young Swifts doing ‘press-ups’ to strengthen their wings before leaving the next box! Sophie shared her in-depth knowledge of facts and information about Swifts and talked about the various ways in which we humans can help this species that is at risk of extinction in the UK. All in all a very interesting and inspirational talk.
A very strong and deceptively cold wind did not deter the visitors to our Guide in a Hide day today. We welcomed 136 adults and a whopping 58 children. 35 species of birds were seen through telescopes and binoculars.
The stars of the day, right outside Gooders hide, were four gorgeous Avocet chicks. Just a few days old, they were already sweeping their beaks through the water to feed themselves. It’s amazing isn’t it?
Thank you to everyone who came along. The guides are always thrilled when children are so interested in seeing the birds, like Ruthie and little Harry here.