
The Friends is an extraordinary group of over 2,000 members, who have been raising money for nearly 50 years to improve the Rye Harbour Nature Reserve, working with the Sussex Wildlife Trust to conserve the landscape and to protect wildlife, so why not JOIN US.

Our volunteers help with:

Our fund raising has:

  • helped to purchase Castle Water, and transform it from a gravel-dredging site to the amazing reed bed it is today
  • created the Wader Pool near the river
  • funded the initial contribution of £1.5M towards the new Discovery Centre
  • funded five wheelchair-accessible bird hides
  • funded vehicles for the Reserve
  • purchased two defibrillators
  • provided two offices and a workshop
  • part-funded the nature reserve staff

The Friends make a huge difference, so why not help us to protect the reserve and its wildlife by joining us or making a donation?

Please note that The Friends are not responsible for the management of the Reserve. If you have any issues, please contact staff at the Discovery Centre or Sussex Wildlife Trust.