Guide in a Hide 02 November 2024
On a pleasant but slightly chilly day, we engaged with at least 165 Adults and 32 youngsters.

The highlights at the Gooders hide were three Spoonbill, two Avocet, and the large flocks of Golden Plover and Oystercatchers, plus a superb male Marsh Harrier going over, causing pandemonium amongst everything on flat beach – disturbance for the birds, but quite a sight for those watching.
Many of the visitors were unfamiliar with the birds on the Reserve and very appreciative of the help provided by the Guides. Youngsters very quickly get the hang of looking through binoculars and telescopes and finding new birds to see.
There were also some challenging questions, including a child of four or five years old asking whether the one-legged Avocet would find as much food as the two-legged Avocet!
The Guides appreciate the opportunity to inspire the visitors, especially the younger ones, to gain a better understanding of the natural world.