Past Events

Open Day Walk 12 Aug 2023

On our Open Day 0830 walks round Flat Beach we’d normally expect see around 50 bird species but today, with most breeders dispersed and winter birds still to arrive, we found just 35.

Nonetheless, it was a beautiful sunny, breezy morning with clear light and excellent visibility. Two of the group were first-timers and so enjoyed picking out migrant Common Sandpipers and lingering Common Terns as well as practising counting a scuttling band of House Sparrows and lined-up Cormorants.

From Parkes Hide, where the waters of Ternery Pool were an extraordinary green, we shared great close views of Little Egret & Little Grebe with a visiting family. We could hear calls of Curlew & Whimbrel, an overhead Dunlin and a rushing flock of Ringed Plovers.

As usual on summer walks, we spent some of the time learning and revising plants, such as Wild Carrot, Wild Parsnip and Red Hemp-nettle.

Returning along the riverside path, we saw Wheatears perching on fence posts and a human perched on the roof of the Soon-To-Be-Even-Redder-Roofed Hut*.

*Please note that the Red-roofed Hut is privately owned and is NOT part of the Reserve.