Sea Kale Film

This dream-like film presents an unfamiliar vision of the complex, structure and sumptuous colours of one of the most typical plants of our shingle shore. Hastings film-maker Simona Zineviciute has gone down low and up close, enhanced by Julius Zubavicius’ mysterious soundtrack, produced from natural sounds recorded on site. The film is the fourth produced by Friends of Rye Harbour Nature Reserve.

Sound Trails Workshops

The Friends arranged a Sound Recording Course, comprising three workshops, experimenting with a variety of commercial and improvised recording devices to capture the natural sounds of the reserve.

See the event report for more details of what went on. It is intended to repeat the course in the near future.

Drone Films

The Friends asked Sam Moore of Visual Air to produce three inspirational drone films which show the reserve in a dramatic new way.

See the Reserve page to view the films.

Book Seaside Flowers


The Friends commissioned two books about the Reserve:

  • Seaside Flowers of Rye Harbour Nature Reserve
  • The Shingle Shore

See the Merchandise page for more details and where to buy.

Writer in Residence

Anthology of poems titled New Ways of Looking

The Friends provided the seed funding for the original Writer in Residence project. Our first WIR was award-winning nature poet Jane Lovell who organised monthly meetings to walk the reserve and to write about nature. The pilot project was so successful that the writing group produced an anthology of poetry and artwork, New Ways of Looking, inspired by the reserve. The book is on sale for £15 at the Discovery Centre and has proven so popular that it is already on its second print run.

The WIR project is now run by the Sussex Wildlife Trust and our current WIR is Louise Kenward.



The Friends bought two new defibrillators for the reserve using funds from the 833 Lottery Club. One is kept in the Discovery Centre, the other is a mobile unit that travels out with work parties on the reserve.

Bird Hides

Rye Harbour Bird Hide

The friends have funded five hides on the reserve, all of which are wheelchair accessible.

Discovery Centre

Rye Harbour Discovery Centre

The Friends provided the initial £1.5M contribution towards the cost of the new Discovery Centre and have pledged a further £300k towards the Rye Harbour Discovery Centre Project.

The knowledgeable staff and volunteers on the Information Desk will help you make the most of your visit.

Enjoy hot and cold drinks with tasty snacks in the Lime Kiln Cafe.

Rye Harbour Discovery Centre View

Take in the stunning views of the Reserve through the large, panoramic windows.

Rye Harbour Wall Displays

Discover more about the Reserve from the informative wall displays.