Recording Day 21 Aug 2023
On the morning of 21st August 2023, a group of Friends spent three hours looking up, down and all around to find and record as many different species of flora and fauna on the reserve as possible.
The Reserve was split into sections and each team designated an area that suited their area of expertise.
95 species of birds were recorded, which included Wheatear, Whinchat, Spotted Flycatcher and Yellow Wagtail. In addition, over 150 different plant species were recorded, including Buckwheat, which was a first for the reserve!
For invertebrates, two moth traps ran overnight in different locations and produced over 70 different species. Bees and butterflies, including several Brown Argus, were also recorded. Other notable recordings included the Scarce 7-spot Ladybird, Short-winged Conehead, a colony of Mottled Grasshopper and this wonderful Superb Dayglower hoverfly (Xanthogramma pedissequum).

Photo credit Theresa Turner
Plants are often overlooked as you wander along, but whoever looks at galls on plants? Well, one of the team did, and even identified the culprit! Wild Carrot galls are caused by the midge Kiefferia pericarpiicola.

Photo credit Ralph Hobbs
Between us, we were able to record a snapshot of what was on or flying over the Reserve that morning. Not too scientific maybe, but recording is so important, and usually throws up some nice surprises.
A really enjoyable three hours was had by all who took part.