14 December – Fascinating and thought-provoking Rye Harbour History

14 December – Fascinating and thought-provoking Rye Harbour History

Saturday December 14th 2024 1.30pm – 3pm at the Discovery Centre.

Find out about interesting aspects of local history from this series of four short talks by our own RHNR history group

The Rye Harbour History group has been researching various aspects of local history.

Four presenters will each give a short talk on a subject that has fascinated them. Come and listen to their enthusiasm and find out more about what went on in the past locally.

These talks are for members of The Friends of Rye Harbour Nature Reserve only. There is no charge, though donations are gratefully accepted. If you are not a member of The Friends but would like to attend, please JOIN US and let us know.

Limited places are available and booking for members of The Friends will open at 8.00am on 1st November.

Please note that dogs (except for guide dogs that have been pre-booked) are not allowed at talks.